GCC ID Number or What is that 800 Number?

All members of the Genesee Community College community are issued a unique Genesee identification number. This is a 9-digit number that you should use in lieu of your Social Security Number when doing business with campus offices.

The number is frequently referred to as an “800 number” because currently all numbers start with 800 — i.e. 800123456.

Students can find their Genesee ID number

  • on their Student ID cards
  • in the information from the Computer Services department along with username and password information

Faculty and staff can find the Genesee ID number on their ID card and/or their paycheck.

You can also find your Genesee ID number by logging into myGCC, access Banner Self-Service, select “Personal Info” and then “What is My GCC ID?”

Having a problem with finding your GCC Id number, send an email to helpdesk@genesee.edu for further instructions and/or guidance.

If the situation is appropriate, an ID number can be changed but that will rarely occur. If you think you need your ID number changed, you must contact the Records Office (in person or on the phone, not by email) and discuss your situation with the staff there.

Accessing GCC Wireless Networks

(Last updated: 12/17/2024)

All Genesee campuses have wireless connectivity available to members of the campus community. The wireless access is open and un-encrypted and we do warn you to be aware of the lack of security on the connection. There is a firewall that does place basic limitations on your access (bandwidth, blocks protocols that are known vectors for viruses and worms) but you are responsible for your own safe computing.

We strongly recommend you have your own anti-virus in place and consider other security measures such as a personal firewall.

Batavia Campus:

  1. GCC
    1. No username/password required
    2. Works with all devices
    3. Is NOT a SECURE network
  2. GCC_Portal
    1. Authenticates the user using the Genesee NETID Username/Password
    2. Does not require any software to be loaded onto the laptop or other portable computing device
    3. Works well with non-Apple devices
    4. A user will have to re-authenticate if they switch from GCC_Portal  to GCC or GCC_Secure and then go back to using to GCC_Portal
    5. GCC_Portal does not cache login credentials and was designed to not do that
    6. Is NOT a SECURE network
  3. GCC_Secure
    1. Authenticates the user using the Genesee NETID Username/Password
    2. GCC_Secure will work well with Apple devices and has the added benefit of encrypting the wireless signal from the device to the wireless access point
    3. GCC_Secure DOES NOT work well on non-Apple devices

School of Nursing Wireless Networks:  (updated 12/17/2024)
School of Nursing Wireless Networks:


  • Authenticates the user using a password provided by the Nursing Department
  • Does not require any software to be loaded onto the laptop or other portable computing device
  • Works well with non-Apple devices
  • Is a SECURE network (traffic to/from mobile device to access point is encrypted)

Campus Centers:

Albion – GCC_OCCA, Lima – GCC_LCCL, Dansville – GCC_LCCD, Warsaw – GCC_WCCW, Arcade – GCC_WCCA, Medina – GCC_OCCM

  • No username/password required
  • Works with all devices
  • Is NOT a SECURE network

Trouble with your wireless?– Wireless Connection Information How to Forget ReJoin Network Mobile Devices help – for Apple or Android devices

If your device does not connect to the network after trying the “Forget network” online help, you need to send an email to the GCC help desk email: helpdesk@genesee.edu and include the following information:

  • the model and version of your device
  • the MAC address
  • the Operating System version
  • a contact number to call you back
  • which wireless network trying to access

Someone from the telecom team will contact you to discuss/research your issue further.

When Technology Problems Happen

You can assume that at some point you or the college will have technical problems. There are way too many places for something to go wrong and in the course of a semester, something always does.

What to do?

First: Call the Help Desk – 1-866-614-5004 –PRESS 1 — someone will answer that phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Help Desk can test to see if the problem is on your end or on the college end.

The next important part of this is to speak up! Tell your instructor that you are having technical problems so you figure out together what options you have. The options you have will depend on what the problem is. This is why you often have an office telephone number for your instructor. Even at night or on a weekend, leave a message and tell your instructor when and where he/she can call you back. Most instructors don’t usually check voice mail on Saturdays and Sundays, but some may.

On a weekend, especially if a quiz or exam is due, make sure you leave at least a phone message as soon as you determine you have a problem. Don’t wait until Monday night to let your instructor know you had a problem on Saturday night. The voice mail systems puts a time and date stamp on every message, so they will know when you leave it.

If there are technical problems on the college’s end (for example, the server goes down or the Internet collapses), your instructor may  adjust things; what your instructor does is up to them. But you should have at least downloaded and printed the basic semester schedule so that you have a clue of what you should be working on at all times. You may not be able to complete an on-line quiz or participate in a discussion, but you can keep working on the material in the textbook without the Internet.


If you have a chronic technology problem that will not go away, your instructor may or may not make individual adjustments as needed. The adjustments they make may not be to your advantage. This is to discourage anyone from calling every Saturday night reporting that your computer has broken down and “can I have extra time for the test?”

ID Cards

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to obtain a Genesee picture ID card. This card can be used in any campus office as proof of identification when conducting business on a campus and in the library.

Students living in College Village need a ID special card; the special ID cards serve as your key for the building you are living in. There is a separate key for your room.

In Batavia

In Batavia, ID cards are obtained from the Student Activities Office located in the Wolcott J. Humphry III Student Union when the Union is open. To get a student ID card, you will need your GCC ID number, picture ID and you must already be registered for classes. It takes about 1-2 hours for newly registered students to get their data into the ID card system.

At a Campus Center

At a campus center, your picture can be taken at the campus center and the ID card will be returned to the same campus within a week’s time.

Anyone who cannot come to Batavia or a Campus Center to have a picture taken is not issued a Genesee ID card.

Policy – Dealing with Students Who Misuse Computing Resources Proc 420

The use of computing and information processing resources is a privilege granted by the College to students who have demonstrated an appropriate need in their program of study or work assignment at Genesee Community College. All users of GCC computer resources must comply with the applicable statutes of New York State and Federal law, in particular, Chapter 514 of the New York State Penal Law. The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps which will be followed if student misuse of computing resources is suspected.

This is an official College policy, numbered Procedure 420.

Policy – Statement on Non-Discrimination

Genesee computer systems shall not be used for transmission of information that promotes:

  • discrimination on the basis of age, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, creed, color, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation;
  • sexual harassment;
  • copyright infringement;
  • personal political beliefs;
  • personal business interests; or
  • any unlawful activity.

Computer Labs – Campus Centers

Every Campus Center has at least one instructional computer lab as well as a secondary lab where students can complete coursework when there is a class meeting in the instructional lab. Availability of computers will vary from center to center and you should check with the center you wish to work at about the hours that the building is open and when the computer lab is available for use.

The Campus Center computer labs have the same basic software as the computer labs on the Batavia campus. There is some specialty specialty software that has licensing requirements that do not allow the college to install the software in all locations. When specialty software is required at a campus center, students need to work with their instructor to review the needs and determine if the software is required to be installed. The instructor will, in turn, then work with Computer Services to work within licensing and access issues.


Wikipedia defines Phishing as: the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication

There will be an occasional uptick in emails, some not even addressed to you, about “Confirming” something involving a username and password.

Genesee will never ask you to confirm things like passwords in an email like that. And we never will use a non-named email account like “admin” or “administrator” or “support” to ask you to do anything with your account. Even things with my name on it that come out of nowhere asking you for your username and password are to be suspect.

As always, when in doubt, do ask. Contact the Help Desk (helpdesk@genesee.edu) or Computer Services staff in Batavia. We’re glad to help you figure out whether something is legit or not.

If you get any of those “Confirming” emails, if you have your spam filter turned on and have the voting links at the bottom, do mark them as spam so CanIt learns that this is spam faster. If you don’t have your spam filter on, simply delete the message. As long as you only open the message and do not click on any of the links, you should be fine.

What’s Inside myGCC?

myGCC is a ‘portal’ to different sets of information and services.

For students, myGCC has:

  • links to Banner Self Service which include registration, schedules, online payment and degree audits
  • your Genesee email
  • links to online course material in My Courses
  • Financial Aid links (in the “Student” tab) to Apply for a Stafford Loan and to View Work Study Job Listings

Logging into myGCC is a ‘single sign on’ to multiple resources that would otherwise require you to remember and maintain separate usernames and passwords.


Where to Get Technical Help

There are multiple options available when you need technical help:


  • Call the 24×7 Central Call Center (CCC) at 1.866.614.5004 (toll free)– PRESS 1 and wait for a technician


  • Send an email to helpdesk@genesee.edu at any time with technical problems, issues, and requests
  • The Help Desk email is monitored 8am-4pm weekdays (except when the College is closed)
  • Students are encouraged to contact their instructor FIRST regarding potential technical issues, before contacting helpdesk
  • If you are experiencing problems logging into your GCC email or myGCC, and you need a password reset, DO NOT EMAIL the helpdesk, as we do not process password resets via email due to security concerns.  Call the CCC, who will verify your identity, then help with your password.  Be near a computer when you call so you can test your password


  • Visit the GCC Online Help Desk at https://hd.genesee.edu  This site contains many articles addressing common technical issues.  Email helpdesk@genesee.edu if you need further assistance.  at any time with questions about technical issues or issues related to online class materials (even if you’re not taking a distance learning class — many classes have online handouts or assignments). This email is not closely monitored during non-business hours.
  • This website provides links to several help resources, including links to many publishers whose resources are used in GCC courses.  https://genesee.open.suny.edu/webapps/portal/execute/tabs/tabAction?tabId=_39887_1&tab_tab_group_id=_130_1
  • If you are taking an online course, and you already have reached out to your instructor for help, email gcconline@genesee.edu to contact the GCC Online Learning Office

In Person

  • Batavia campus: The TechZone is located in T202 (Conable Technology Building). The Lab is open to all registered students and you can also get help with usernames/passwords, email, and other basic technical issues. In addition, the staff there will assist you in using any of the Genesee electronic resources and walk you through using email, Genesis, My Courses and most instructional software.
  • Batavia campus: The Assisted Learning Lab (D209) is available to assist students who need more extensive assistance in using a computer to work on course materials. Staff is available there to provide tutoring in using a computer and tutoring in content areas. The ALL cannot provide help with usernames/passwords.
  • Assistance at the Campus Centers varies from center to center. Centers frequently have tutors available who can help with basic computer skills as well as course content. Campus Center staff can put you in contact with the Help Desk to resolve problems with usernames and passwords.