Accessing GCC Wireless Networks

(Last updated: 12/17/2024)

All Genesee campuses have wireless connectivity available to members of the campus community. The wireless access is open and un-encrypted and we do warn you to be aware of the lack of security on the connection. There is a firewall that does place basic limitations on your access (bandwidth, blocks protocols that are known vectors for viruses and worms) but you are responsible for your own safe computing.

We strongly recommend you have your own anti-virus in place and consider other security measures such as a personal firewall.

Batavia Campus:

  1. GCC
    1. No username/password required
    2. Works with all devices
    3. Is NOT a SECURE network
  2. GCC_Portal
    1. Authenticates the user using the Genesee NETID Username/Password
    2. Does not require any software to be loaded onto the laptop or other portable computing device
    3. Works well with non-Apple devices
    4. A user will have to re-authenticate if they switch from GCC_Portal  to GCC or GCC_Secure and then go back to using to GCC_Portal
    5. GCC_Portal does not cache login credentials and was designed to not do that
    6. Is NOT a SECURE network
  3. GCC_Secure
    1. Authenticates the user using the Genesee NETID Username/Password
    2. GCC_Secure will work well with Apple devices and has the added benefit of encrypting the wireless signal from the device to the wireless access point
    3. GCC_Secure DOES NOT work well on non-Apple devices

School of Nursing Wireless Networks:  (updated 12/17/2024)
School of Nursing Wireless Networks:


  • Authenticates the user using a password provided by the Nursing Department
  • Does not require any software to be loaded onto the laptop or other portable computing device
  • Works well with non-Apple devices
  • Is a SECURE network (traffic to/from mobile device to access point is encrypted)

Campus Centers:

Albion – GCC_OCCA, Lima – GCC_LCCL, Dansville – GCC_LCCD, Warsaw – GCC_WCCW, Arcade – GCC_WCCA, Medina – GCC_OCCM

  • No username/password required
  • Works with all devices
  • Is NOT a SECURE network

Trouble with your wireless?– Wireless Connection Information How to Forget ReJoin Network Mobile Devices help – for Apple or Android devices

If your device does not connect to the network after trying the “Forget network” online help, you need to send an email to the GCC help desk email: and include the following information:

  • the model and version of your device
  • the MAC address
  • the Operating System version
  • a contact number to call you back
  • which wireless network trying to access

Someone from the telecom team will contact you to discuss/research your issue further.