Setting Up Outlook on Your Android Phone for New GCC Faculty/Staff Email Service (Office 365)

Step 1: Download and install the 
Microsoft Outlook
app from the Play store










Step 2: Launch the App.  Click Get Started…
and enter yourGCC [Be sure to use your NetID, not your GCC email address].  Click Continue












Step 3: When prompted enter your GCC log-in password and click Sign In










Step 4: If asked to set up another account, click Skip


Setting Up Outlook on your iPhone for New GCC Faculty/Staff Email Service (Office 365)

Step 1: Download and install the
Microsoft Outlook app from the App store


Step 2: Launch the App and enter your
GCC email address, then click Add Account

Step 3: When prompted for your password,
you need to use your GCC NetID, so click
Sign in with another account


Step 4: Click Use another account




Step 5: Enter your GCC NetID (not email)





Accessing Adobe Programs

Accessing Adobe Program (updated 7/12/2021)


If you attempt to open an Adobe document (i.e., PDF document) on your GCC desktop computer and you are prompted to sign in with your email address:

  • Rather than entering your GCC email address, type in your GCC and GCC login password
  • You likely will be brought to another page to login again.  Look carefully.  You likely will need to just enter your NetID and password

If you continue to experience error messages or problems, please capture and send screen images and messages to

Mapping a Shared Drive in Windows 10

Last updated: 4/13/2020

Network share drives need to be “mapped” to your computer you are using in order to have access to the files.

First: Ask the owner of the share drive to email the Help Desk ( and request that you be given access.

Second:  Follow the steps below to map the drive:

  1. Ensure that you are logged into the computer with your credentials, as the share drive, once mapped, will stay in your profile. This means the share drive will appear each time you log on to THAT computer.
  2. Press the Windows 10 key , then the “E” key on your computer’s keyboard. If your keyboard does not have a Windows 10 key, left-mouse click the Windows icon on your computer’s screen, then type This PC. Left-mouse click the This PC icon ].  The This PC window will open.
  3. At the top of the window, click on ThisPC and type \\the server name.  The server name is the first part of the link you were given.  For example \\share1\ABC the server name is share1  You would then enter \\share1      Be sure that This PC no longer appears, then press the Enter key.
  4. Scroll down to the name of your share folder and right-mouse click on the folder. Left-mouse click Map network drive.  This drive will now appear under your list of Network locations on the This PC

Organizing Your Course Listing

After a semester or two, your course listing in Blackboard can become quite messy and it’s difficult to tell which are your current semester courses.

To organize your course listing, go to the My Courses tab and then point your cursor at the far right end of the My Courses module. You should see a settings ‘wheel’ pop up (like below). Go ahead and click on that wheel.

Settings for My Courses


That brings you to a new screen. This will be different for everyone, but the key piece you are looking for is the “Group by Term” selection. Click that box.


If you point your cursor to the far left of the “Select All/Unselect All” section, you will get an up/down arrow (in the square below). Click on the arrow to drag the current semester to the top of the list.

Settings for Group by Term

Use the Select/Unselect (in the circle) to deactivate older semesters. The course access is still there, just not visible on the My Courses page. If you find later that you need to access an older semester, you can come back into this area and Select a semester to turn it back on.

Scrolling down the page allows you to select/unselect specific courses, but generally selecting/unselecting terms is the best option.

IMPORTANT: When you are finished, remember to select that “Submit” button that is on the top and the bottom of the page (they both work, chose the one you can see!).

You can update your course listing as needed.




GCC College Phone Problems

The college phone system (all campuses) are support by Computer Services Telecom team.

If you are having any issue with your college phone, for example, no dial tone, unable to make any calls, voice mail password, broken phone equipment, etc., you need to send an email to the GCC help desk email: and include the following information:

  • Campus –
  • Room –
  • Campus phone number(s) –
  • Request/Issue:

Include in your email:

Is there dial tone, is there static on the line, a working phone number to contact you.

Someone from the telecom team will contact you to discuss/research your request/issue further.

Smart Classroom Technology Support

Computer Services uses the term “smart classroom” to describe most of the classrooms on all GCC campuses that are equipped with technology like computers, projectors, interactive or static displays.


Computer Services periodically hosts a Classroom Technology Users Group session on the Batavia campus, open to all staff and faculty.  Watch for event announcements via email and campus announcements in Genesis.  This is an informal forum in which to highlight technical and pedagogical uses of various classroom technologies, ask questions, share ideas, and provide feedback about current and future classroom technologies.

If you need assistance with or have questions about classroom technology equipment, please email and a Computer Services staff member will reach out you.

Short-Term Use of a T20x Computer Lab

Do you need the ability to share content with your students on the large screen in front of the room as well as at individual student computer stations?  Do you need your class to complete an online test, assignment, or project?

The computer labs located on the second floor of the T building (T204, T205, T206) may very well meet your need.

To check availability and to reserve a room not related to a semester long class Use Outlook calendar and search for Location of T204 T205 T206  Schedule your room in an open spot. It will then be submitted to the HelpDesk for Approval.  You will receive an email with approval status in 24hrs.

Full semester use of a computer lab should be arranged through your department. Work with the dean’s Assistant to officially re-schedule your class meeting location.

GCC ID Number or What is that 800 Number?

All members of the Genesee Community College community are issued a unique Genesee identification number. This is a 9-digit number that you should use in lieu of your Social Security Number when doing business with campus offices.

The number is frequently referred to as an “800 number” because currently all numbers start with 800 — i.e. 800123456.

Students can find their Genesee ID number

  • on their Student ID cards
  • in the information from the Computer Services department along with username and password information

Faculty and staff can find the Genesee ID number on their ID card and/or their paycheck.

You can also find your Genesee ID number by logging into myGCC, access Banner Self-Service, select “Personal Info” and then “What is My GCC ID?”

Having a problem with finding your GCC Id number, send an email to for further instructions and/or guidance.

If the situation is appropriate, an ID number can be changed but that will rarely occur. If you think you need your ID number changed, you must contact the Records Office (in person or on the phone, not by email) and discuss your situation with the staff there.

ID Cards

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to obtain a Genesee picture ID card. This card can be used in any campus office as proof of identification when conducting business on a campus and in the library.

Students living in College Village need a ID special card; the special ID cards serve as your key for the building you are living in. There is a separate key for your room.

In Batavia

In Batavia, ID cards are obtained from the Student Activities Office located in the Wolcott J. Humphry III Student Union when the Union is open. To get a student ID card, you will need your GCC ID number, picture ID and you must already be registered for classes. It takes about 1-2 hours for newly registered students to get their data into the ID card system.

At a Campus Center

At a campus center, your picture can be taken at the campus center and the ID card will be returned to the same campus within a week’s time.

Anyone who cannot come to Batavia or a Campus Center to have a picture taken is not issued a Genesee ID card.