Turning Webmail O365 Conversations ON/OFF

How to turn OFF focus and conversation mode in Webmail O365 (OWA)

  1. While logged-in to Webmail, click the Settings icon.
  2. In the Setting dialog, make the following changes:
    • Click the slider to turn off Focused Inbox.
    • Select ‘Off’ to disable conversation mode. (Note: You may need to ‘toggle’ this setting by selecting one of the other options in order to force it to take effect.)

Accessing your GCC Faculty/Staff Webmail O365 (OWA)

Step 1: Open a web browser, visit www.outlook.com, and click Sign In. (If prompted to select time zone, scroll to select Eastern time.)








Step 2: Enter your GCC NetId followed by @genesee.edu which
looks like NetID@genesee.edu.
This is NOT your GCC email address. 
Click NEXT










Step 3:  Enter the GCC password you use to sign into your computer. 
Click Sign in








Step 4:  Select your language (English) and time zone (Eastern)

[No visual provided here]

Setting Up Outlook on Your Android Phone for New GCC Faculty/Staff Email Service (Office 365)

Step 1: Download and install the 
Microsoft Outlook
app from the Play store










Step 2: Launch the App.  Click Get Started…
and enter yourGCC NetID@genesee.edu [Be sure to use your NetID, not your GCC email address].  Click Continue












Step 3: When prompted enter your GCC log-in password and click Sign In










Step 4: If asked to set up another account, click Skip


Setting Up Outlook on your iPhone for New GCC Faculty/Staff Email Service (Office 365)

Step 1: Download and install the
Microsoft Outlook app from the App store


Step 2: Launch the App and enter your
GCC email address, then click Add Account

Step 3: When prompted for your password,
you need to use your GCC NetID, so click
Sign in with another account


Step 4: Click Use another account




Step 5: Enter your GCC NetID (not email)
with @genesee.edu