Want to Display Up to 4 Mobile Devices on the TV in Rooms T123 and T124?

1. Press the Wireless Presentation icon on the 7-inch Crestron screen on the computer cabinet

2. The wall TV screen will power on and display the following screen. Note the http: address and code displayed in the lower left corner

3. Enter the http: address into your mobile device’s web browser and the code, when prompted. Follow the on-screen directions.  You will be prompted to download and install the Air Media app, which will allow your device to display on the room’s TV

4. To turn off the mobile device sharing system, press the Power icon on the 7-inch Crestron, then press Yes

5. For future use, you may enter the http: address in your browser or open the Air Media app on your mobile device. Although the http: address will remain constant for this room, the 4-digit code will be different for each display session

6. Note that this tool displays video content only, no audio. Also, the room’s PC may not be displayed simultaneously



Panopto Frequently Asked Questions- Support

Last update: 12/22/22

This document contains responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Panopto Video Library system.  If you have questions about Panopto, including questions/answers you would like added to this document, please submit a Help ticket at https://hd.genesee.edu (see tab in upper right).

Today’s PAD session will highlight some frequently asked questions (FAQs), with the bulk of time allotted for you to receive support on, and to explore and practice, features that are of specific interest to you. although the time will be devoted to giving you time to explore what is of particular interest to you.


My top recommendation is to visit Panopto’s Support website.   http://support.panopto.com   Search by topic or keyword.  Step-by-step directions and/or videos available—these are well prepared, easy to follow, and very helpful.


  • How to use Panopto with Brightspace [This is a refresher for most folks who used Panopto in Fall 2022 Brightspace course sites]
    1. IGNORE the beginning part of the video that discusses adding Panopto to your Brightspace course. This is done automatically by GCC when your Brightspace course is created.  Look for the Panopto module in your course(s).
    2. How-to video: https://howtovideos.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=5352d93d-150a-439e-b02f-ab8200fdf960&query=embedded%20video%20viewer
    3. How-to document: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/How-to-Use-Panopto-with-Brightspace


  • How do I share or restrict my Panopto videos?
    1. Log into your Panopto library ( https://genesee.hosted.panopto.com Use your GCC myGCC login credentials if prompted)
    2. Faculty may prefer this option: You may access your Panopto library/videos through the Panopto module in your Brightspace course.
    3. Look for your topic under the Documentation or Video Tutorials tabs. You also may search by keyword within each of these tabs
    4. Be mindful that people who are not in the GCC organization (i.e., user@genesee.edu) will need you to provide them with a link/URL.
    5. Click the Change link next to Who can access this video to adjust the “level” of access. Generally speaking, videos you will embed in your Brightspace courses should be set to Your Organization (unlisted) so that only those with the direct link/URL may access.  This setting will prevent others within GCC from seeing or accessing the video by clicking the Everything button in the Panopto library. This limitation is especially important for any videos containing student voices and/or likenesses, to be in compliance with FERPA regulations.
    6. How-to video: https://howtovideos.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?pid=4cecd7bd-4285-4717-8422-af460141822c&query=share%20video&id=624ad7f3-3256-47c1-ba09-ad74018201a9&advance=true
    7. How-to document: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Share-with-Multiple-Users


  • How do I play certain components of a recorded video (e.g., slides, full screen, closed captioning)
    1. Zoom recordings (i.e., often recorded classes) and recordings made with Panopto generally capture multiple components—e.g., primary video (usually the web camera showing you), secondary video (if you’re showing Power Point slides or something under a document camera). You may adjust Panopto settings to display a particular component instead of all simultaneously.
    2. How-to video: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Navigate-the-Viewer (includes other Viewer information, too)
    3. How-to document: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Learn-About-the-Features-of-the-Embedded-Video-Viewer


  • How do I manage captions in videos?
    1. Captions in videos are essential to making them accessible to those with hearing challenges. Panopto allows you to add and modify captions.  While the tool you use to record videos may automatically create captions (e.g., Zoom), you may need to revise these captions to address misspellings, especially technical jargon.
    2. How-to video: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Manually-Caption-Your-Videos
    3. How-to document: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Learn-About-Best-Practices-for-Captioning


  • How do I edit videos? [e.g., trim a video, add automatic captions, add a table of contents]
    1. The Panopto Support website has several succinct videos and documents to guide you on different editing tasks. See below.
    2. How-to videos: https://howtovideos.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Folders/DepartmentHome.aspx?folderID=4b9de7ae-0080-4158-8496-a9ba01692c2e (scroll down and look for the Edit heading on the left)
    3. How-to documents: https://support.panopto.com/s/topic/0TO39000000EoviGAC/edit


  • How do I create videos?
    1. Panopto has a video creation tool, which you are free to use. However, you are free to use any tool to create videos and to import them into your Panopto library.
    2. How-to videos: https://howtovideos.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Folders/DepartmentHome.aspx?folderID=4b9de7ae-0080-4158-8496-a9ba01692c2e  (scroll down and look for the Create heading on the left)
    3. How-to documents: https://support.panopto.com/s/topic/0TO39000000EovdGAC/create


  • How do I change a video’s preview image (e.g., the thumbnail)?
    1. By default, Panopto selects an image from the primary video (often you as seen through your web camera). Some faculty prefer an image that corresponds to the content of the video.
    2. Use Power Point to create a slide with the content, image, etc you wish to have as your thumbnail. Save the slide as an image (e.g., .png, .jpeg), instead of the default Power Point file format, under the Save Format option.
    3. Follow the steps in this video: https://howtovideos.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=72ccfb49-28a5-4a11-9f3d-abc30141e19f&query=preview%20image


NOTE:  This information will be shared during GCC’s January 2023 PAD session.