What Happens to My GCC Email Account When I Leave GCC?

Who: All GCC students with GCC email accounts: NetID@my.genesee.edu

What: When you graduate or otherwise leave GCC, do not forget your student email account and any emails, files and content, including the affiliated Google Drive. [GCC student email accounts are hosted by Google.]

Why: After you leave GCC, your GCC student email account will be shut down and all its contents deleted.  You and GCC will not be able to retrieve any deleted content.

When: Relocate or delete content as soon as possible following your graduation or departure from the college, ideally within six months.  GCC will remove your GCC student email account and affiliated Google account after one year.

How: YOU need to take action to preserve any email or content affiliated with your GCC student email account.  The college does not and will not save content after it deletes your email account.

  • If you have content you want to keep, move it to another location, such as a personal Google Drive account, other cloud storage (e.g., Box, Dropbox), flash drive, external hard drive).
  • Consider forwarding any emails you’d like to preserve to a personal email account.
  • If you wish, you can transfer Google content from your @my.genesee.edu account to another Google account. Follow this Google guide to do so.
  • If you wish to export/download your Google account information, check Google’s guidance here.


What About Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive?

  • GCC students are provided with access to Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive as a complimentary service while registered in one or more GCC classes. This access will be terminated within one year after you are no longer a registered GCC student.
  • As with your GCC email and Google Drive content, you should delete or relocate it within six months after leaving GCC. Microsoft provides guidance for downloading OneDrive content — Windows  or MacOS

GCC Student Email: Using the Gmail App on a Smartphone

GCC student email addresses follow this format:  NetID@my.genesee.edu   where NetID includes your first name initial, some part of your last name, and sometimes a number.  For instance astudent1@my.genesee.edu

GCC student email is managed through Gmail.  You may select and use any mail app you wish, but many students elect Gmail for convenience.  Be sure to enter your NetID and email address NetID@my.genesee.edu when prompted by the app.

Most mail apps will autoconfigure the incoming and outgoing server settings when you elect Gmail.  If you are prompted, use the following server information:

Incoming:  imap.google.com, SSL, port 993

Outgoing: smtp.google.com, SSL, port 465

Organizing Your Course Listing

After a semester or two, your course listing in Blackboard can become quite messy and it’s difficult to tell which are your current semester courses.

To organize your course listing, go to the My Courses tab and then point your cursor at the far right end of the My Courses module. You should see a settings ‘wheel’ pop up (like below). Go ahead and click on that wheel.

Settings for My Courses


That brings you to a new screen. This will be different for everyone, but the key piece you are looking for is the “Group by Term” selection. Click that box.


If you point your cursor to the far left of the “Select All/Unselect All” section, you will get an up/down arrow (in the square below). Click on the arrow to drag the current semester to the top of the list.

Settings for Group by Term

Use the Select/Unselect (in the circle) to deactivate older semesters. The course access is still there, just not visible on the My Courses page. If you find later that you need to access an older semester, you can come back into this area and Select a semester to turn it back on.

Scrolling down the page allows you to select/unselect specific courses, but generally selecting/unselecting terms is the best option.

IMPORTANT: When you are finished, remember to select that “Submit” button that is on the top and the bottom of the page (they both work, chose the one you can see!).

You can update your course listing as needed.




Updating Personal Information in BSS

Banner is GCC’s primary information management system, and Banner Self Service (BSS) provides you with important resources and tools.

You are responsible for ensuring that personal information about you—namely your permanent address, non-GCC alternate email address, and phone number—is correct and current.

Why will keeping your personal information in BSS updated help YOU?

  • If you forget your GCC password, you may use the automated reset tool to set a new password.
  • Ensure the paper mailings sent to you are sent to the correct address.

To access Banner Self-Service (BSS), log in to myGCC (GCC homepage—click myGCC link at top-center).  Select the “My Account” sub tab and scroll down for “My BANNER Self Service” menu.  Once in Banner Self Service, click the Personal Information tab.  Click the desired link to update your information—e.g., alternate email address.

Banner Self Service link

Banner Self Service main menu

You will have an “Employee Menu” option only if you have worked for the college (through College Work Study or other programs). You can use the Banner Self Service link on that page, since it goes to the same place.

What is Banner Self Service?

Banner is GCC’s primary information management system, and Banner Self Service (BSS) provides you with important resources and tools.

Banner Self Service link

To access BSS, log in to myGCC. To get there, first go to the college home page (www.genesee.edu) , click the myGCC link at the top, and log in. Then go to the “My Account” sub-tab and scroll down to the “My BANNER Self Service” module. Click the “My Banner Self Service” link.

Notice the tabs (top) and links available within BSS.  Some highlights:

  • Personal Information: It is essential that you update your permanent address and non-GCC email address whenever these change.  GCC relies on this information for important tasks, such as mailing financial aid reward checks and processing self-service “Forgot Your Password” reset requests
  • Student Services: This is where you go to register for GCC courses, check your final grades, and run a degree audit
  • Pay My Bill: Self explanatory
  • Employee Services: This tab is visible to students who hold a position in the college (e.g., Work Study, SSWAP).  You likely will have little or no use for it, but feel free to explore.
  • Financial Aid: View your financial award, if applicable.  Check your eligibility for financial awards and for messages from GCC’s Financial Aid Office.
  • Xtender: You may ignore this tab.

GCC ID Number or What is that 800 Number?

All members of the Genesee Community College community are issued a unique Genesee identification number. This is a 9-digit number that you should use in lieu of your Social Security Number when doing business with campus offices.

The number is frequently referred to as an “800 number” because currently all numbers start with 800 — i.e. 800123456.

Students can find their Genesee ID number

  • on their Student ID cards
  • in the information from the Computer Services department along with username and password information

Faculty and staff can find the Genesee ID number on their ID card and/or their paycheck.

You can also find your Genesee ID number by logging into myGCC, access Banner Self-Service, select “Personal Info” and then “What is My GCC ID?”

Having a problem with finding your GCC Id number, send an email to helpdesk@genesee.edu for further instructions and/or guidance.

If the situation is appropriate, an ID number can be changed but that will rarely occur. If you think you need your ID number changed, you must contact the Records Office (in person or on the phone, not by email) and discuss your situation with the staff there.

ID Cards

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to obtain a Genesee picture ID card. This card can be used in any campus office as proof of identification when conducting business on a campus and in the library.

Students living in College Village need a ID special card; the special ID cards serve as your key for the building you are living in. There is a separate key for your room.

In Batavia

In Batavia, ID cards are obtained from the Student Activities Office located in the Wolcott J. Humphry III Student Union when the Union is open. To get a student ID card, you will need your GCC ID number, picture ID and you must already be registered for classes. It takes about 1-2 hours for newly registered students to get their data into the ID card system.

At a Campus Center

At a campus center, your picture can be taken at the campus center and the ID card will be returned to the same campus within a week’s time.

Anyone who cannot come to Batavia or a Campus Center to have a picture taken is not issued a Genesee ID card.

Policy – Dealing with Students Who Misuse Computing Resources Proc 420

The use of computing and information processing resources is a privilege granted by the College to students who have demonstrated an appropriate need in their program of study or work assignment at Genesee Community College. All users of GCC computer resources must comply with the applicable statutes of New York State and Federal law, in particular, Chapter 514 of the New York State Penal Law. The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps which will be followed if student misuse of computing resources is suspected.

This is an official College policy, numbered Procedure 420.

Policy – Statement on Non-Discrimination

Genesee computer systems shall not be used for transmission of information that promotes:

  • discrimination on the basis of age, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, creed, color, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation;
  • sexual harassment;
  • copyright infringement;
  • personal political beliefs;
  • personal business interests; or
  • any unlawful activity.

Computer Labs – Campus Centers

Every Campus Center has at least one instructional computer lab as well as a secondary lab where students can complete coursework when there is a class meeting in the instructional lab. Availability of computers will vary from center to center and you should check with the center you wish to work at about the hours that the building is open and when the computer lab is available for use.

The Campus Center computer labs have the same basic software as the computer labs on the Batavia campus. There is some specialty specialty software that has licensing requirements that do not allow the college to install the software in all locations. When specialty software is required at a campus center, students need to work with their instructor to review the needs and determine if the software is required to be installed. The instructor will, in turn, then work with Computer Services to work within licensing and access issues.