Smart Classroom Technology Support

Computer Services uses the term “smart classroom” to describe most of the classrooms on all GCC campuses that are equipped with technology like computers, projectors, interactive or static displays.


Computer Services periodically hosts a Classroom Technology Users Group session on the Batavia campus, open to all staff and faculty.  Watch for event announcements via email and campus announcements in Genesis.  This is an informal forum in which to highlight technical and pedagogical uses of various classroom technologies, ask questions, share ideas, and provide feedback about current and future classroom technologies.

If you need assistance with or have questions about classroom technology equipment, please email and a Computer Services staff member will reach out you.

Short-Term Use of a T20x Computer Lab

Do you need the ability to share content with your students on the large screen in front of the room as well as at individual student computer stations?  Do you need your class to complete an online test, assignment, or project?

The computer labs located on the second floor of the T building (T204, T205, T206) may very well meet your need.

To check availability and to reserve a room not related to a semester long class Use Outlook calendar and search for Location of T204 T205 T206  Schedule your room in an open spot. It will then be submitted to the HelpDesk for Approval.  You will receive an email with approval status in 24hrs.

Full semester use of a computer lab should be arranged through your department. Work with the dean’s Assistant to officially re-schedule your class meeting location.

Computer Labs – Batavia

The largest concentration of computer labs in Batavia is located in the Conable Technology Building. In that building, there are five dedicated classrooms for instruction (T204, T205, T206) and a Computer Learning Lab (T207) open to all currently registered students to use a computer on a drop-in basis.

Open Computer Lab

The Computer Learning Lab is staffed by student workers when it is open who are available to assist you with basic computer questions. They cannot help you directly with homework assignments but can help you find the software or electronic information you may need to complete an assignments. More extended help and tutoring is available in the Assisted Learning Lab (D209) which is part of the Center for Academic Progress.

The Conable Technology building computer labs have, in addition to computers, scanners and printers. There is access to color printing on a limited basis in T207 for students creating materials for class use.


In addition to the computer labs in the Conable Technology Building, there are a small handful of labs that support specific programs:

  • Language Lab (A312) is dedicated to supporting foreign language, reading and ESL classes
  • CSN Lab (D203) is dedicated to the support of the various Computer and Technology degree programs
  • CAD lab (E125) is dedicated to the Drafting and Engineering program
  • Apple Lab (E122) is dedicated to the Communications and Digital Arts program
  • Assisted Learning Lab (ALL – D209) is dedicated to tutoring and academic support
  • Math Lab (D210) is dedicated to math programs and learning assistance
  • Library Computer Lab which is used by Library staff when training students in using Library bibliographic resources
  • BEST Center Lab (T104) is used by the BEST Center to offer training programs to outside organizations and provide workforce development opportunities

There are student computers in smaller labs, for example the Math Tutoring Lab, the Writing Lab, Library to allow students to complete work.

In addition, there are locations in the library and T207 for students to use personal laptops. Students using the library must bring a flash drive and print from one of the main library computers. T207 provides wireless printing resources.

Computer Labs

Genesee Community College has a major commitment to making computer labs available to support instruction. Classes in a number of disciplines use the computer labs for instruction and almost all faculty expect that students will use a computer in some way to complete assignments or simply keep in contact.

Every Genesee location has at least two computer labs for these purposes.

Apple Computers

Genesee uses primarily Windows based computers. There is a lab of Apple Macs on the Batavia campus that supports the Digital Arts and Communication degree programs; students in those programs will be expected to work in the Mac lab on assignments.

You are more than welcome to use a Mac laptop on a campus wireless connection for your own personal use but do be aware that the majority of faculty will be using Windows as their base system.


Laser printers are available in all student labs to allow you to print documents to hand in to instructors and for your own use. There is no separate printing fee, that is included in the Technology Fee paid every semester.

The Computer Learning Lab (T207) on the Batavia campus has a color printer to allow students to print a final copy of a project that is to be handed in to an instructor. We have a limit to many pages you may print on the color printer. You may only print 10 pages on the color printer a day, per person.

The Laptop Zone found inside T207 also allows for wireless printing from personal laptops. Instructions on how to connect to the printer are on location in the room.

Saving your Work

All campus computers have readily accessible USB ports for you to use a flash drive. We recommend that you purchase multiple, smaller flash drives rather than one large flash drive, in case you are in a class (often a CIS class) where the instructor requires you to turn in your work on a flash drive.

Make sure that you put your name on the flash drive so that when you lose it, you can easily identify it. Additionally, create a file on the drive named “_Owner Information” — the underscore will sort the file to the top of the list — with your name and email address so that you can be contacted if your flash drive is found.

Additionally, you can email files to yourself using your Genesee email or any other Cloud based system you may have access to.